

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Things No One Tells You About Your First Few Weeks As a Parent

Things no one tells you about your first few weeks as a parent:
●You're secretly scared to death to leave the hospital and take care of this little human on your own. "What if you mess up?"
●When you get home, in between getting up every 2-3 hours to feed and change them you constantly wake up to make sure they are still breathing.
●When you have to go places you fight the urge to sit in the back seat with them (in the car)so you install a mirror so you can see them from up front. Since you had a C-section you can't really turn all the way around to see them from the passenger seat so you bug your husband every 5 seconds and ask him to look and see if the baby is ok.
● When you never worried or cared about storms before but now you stay up to watch the weather thinking you must have some sort of control over it for the safety of your new baby.
● You fight the urge to isolate yourself and be selfish with your baby.
● You're so worried your child isn't getting enough to eat bc he/she wants to feed every hour to 2 hours, then you get to the doctor and find out that they've packed on some pounds and they just wanted to be held.
● When letting them cry it out (bc they want the paci in their mouth at all times)bites you in the butt bc it makes your milk come in again.
● And finally, you think you will learn a lot about your baby, but really you learn more about yourself. How selfish you are. How insecure you are. How little faith you really have. How you really don't have any control. How you are a superwoman for going on 3 hours of sleep and still going. And how much you really need Jesus.

Here's to more learning, more love,and more grace.
-Shelbi Davis

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