

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Mirrors. A piece of glass that reflects what appears on the otherside. We look at them to see what we look like. We rely on them to tell us what we look like. 

    What if I told you that there was a mirror for inner beauty as well? You can constantly check it to see what you look like on the inside. You can carry it with you everywhere you go. And the best part is, the One who made you wrote this mirror with you in mind.God's Word. God's Word can tell us all about how beautiful we are in Christ, a beauty that will last. No magazine will tell you, no self help book, no blog post,no man or woman but HIS WORD. 

    The enemy is a LIAR! So dont believe everything that you think. You ARE WORTHY in Him! You are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made! YOU are weak but His strength is made PERFECT in your weakness! YOU are PRECIOUS in His sight! That IS YOUR MIRROR and that is who YOU are! 

This is what God had to tell me this morning. I don't know about you but insecurity is my biggest struggle in life.It invades every aspect in my life when I let it. Satan wants you to feel unworthy. he wants you to stay home,he wants you to give up. Don't give up sisters and take heart bc He, our Father has overcome the world!!!