

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A NOBLE Wife vs. A Disgraceful Wife

A NOBLE Wife vs. A Disgraceful Wife


Proverbs 12:4

“ A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown

But a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
         A wife affects her husband. She either becomes a crown to him or brings him to ruin like a horrible disease that weakens the body.  Noble means “Strength”. Noble is a reference of moral character. This wife possess “strong” character. She is a woman of ability and worth. “Crown” suggests that this wife of quality enables her husband to realize his potential. Because of her character and resourcefulness, her husband is greatly admired by others.

        In Contrast is the woman who puts her husband to shame before the world. While the wife of quality helps her husband reach the fullness of his abilities, the shameful wife will drag her husband down all his days, and he will never command respect nor win influence in the community. To have such a wife is like enduring an infestation of maggots in the bones. It is a horrible irritant and a fatal disease.
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