

Monday, March 24, 2014

Unfading Beauty: More Than Just a Pretty Face

Unfading Beauty: More than Just a Pretty Face

As a young lady living in the present 2014, I have really had a warped sense of self growing up, & have really been confused on what beauty really is. Now at the age of 21 I have decided to break the monotonous streak of obsessing over “ I hope I don’t see anyone I know, because I didn’t wear make-up today”, or always being in a competition with every cute girl who walks by and comparing the amount of cellulite on my legs to hers. Although this society really is warped when it comes what is considered the most beautiful, as Christian women we cannot leave all of the blame on society and everyone else. We are to blame as well.

As I’ve been looking for answers on what God says about what true beauty is and looking at stories like Esther, Ruth, & Mary I also discovered a part of what it really means to be a woman and why  God made us the way we are. We have such an important, yet humbling role that is not measured by the amount of cleaning and cooking we do or don’t do, not the pretty toned or cellulite legs, not the amount of make-up we wear or how great we look without it. So let’s see what God measures….

Keys to being a Godly woman: Beauty, Feminism, Modesty, Confidence.

Unfading Beauty:

As a follower of Christ, our bodies are the temple of God and we are commanded to take care of it.

Maintaining a clean, neatness, good hygiene, modesty and appropriate appearance, eating healthy and exercising, Skin care, gracious manners are our responsibility. Our goal should ultimately be that our adornment is to emphasize the internal.

We should complement the kingdom of God in every aspect of life.(2 Co 3:2-3)

Never be a hindrance to the Kingdom of God.

Looking nice is not a bad thing; in fact, your outward appearance attracts others to you and your life. This ultimately gives you an opportunity for sharing the testimony of Christ who dwells in you. 

But keep in mind that a woman’s countenance is a mirror of her heart. Inner peace and Joy reflect upon a woman’s face.  No amount of make-up can mask an unkind heart and hateful words.

A woman’s heart should be rooted in peace and joy. Her outer countenance radiates vitality, enthusiasm, love and a deep sense of well-being- something no amount of make-up, perfume or great hair, nice clothes,& a hot bod could ever create. Having the Holy Spirit empowers a woman with the vitality, & enthusiasm, making her a magnet of people.

True beauty comes from within & is manifested by pure motives & a generous and unselfish spirit towards others. God will manifest that in a woman when she surrenders her life to Him.(1 Ch16:29)

What is natured internally is ultimately manifested externally.(Pr 23:7)

Fruits of a Beautiful Spirit: Patience, a quiet spirit, kindness, faith, joy, hope love, selflessness, content, & genuine.


Femininity is God’s gift to women, a characteristic that separates us from men and allows us to reach people on a more gentle and compassionate level.

Femininity is more than just being a lady, It’s a gift from God that allows us to fulfill our purpose as women. God made us to be caring, loving, gentle  & to encourage.

Surrendering to Him is the key ingredient to femininity.

A Single woman: surrenders herself in a unique way for service to Her Lord & for service of her family and community.

As a Bride: She surrenders her independence, her name, her destiny, her will and ultimately, her body to her husband for the glory of God.

As a Mother: She surrenders her life, for the life of her child.

We are to revive what is already given to us, Femininity.

Such as Mary, Ruth, Esther, they understood their role that God has blessed them with& their unique way to serve the Lord with their gifts.


Before there was sin, Adam and Eve were naked and felt no shame.(Gen 2:25)

After they sinned they were afraid& covered themselves; modesty started.

Modesty= Measure

Modesty is a sensitive withdrawal from anything that is indelicate or impure.

The culture in which we are born& the Christian society in which you live in are factors in using discretion on decency. Ultimately a woman’s sense of modesty is to be regulated by her personal relationship Christ and His purity.

Confidence is how you value yourself. Biblically you are to be humble, but sometimes we can be self-degrading and that is not healthy. We need to pray that we see ourselves as Christ see’s us, no more-no less.

Proper Self-esteem in a Christian woman is a matter of recognizing& confronting herself in her humanity, including her tendency to sin.

(1 Pe 2:25)

But His grace covers our sin, And if you are a follower of Christ , you have the power of the Holy Spirit in you and your confidence should be in that.

Although there is nothing wrong with looking nice, we should not measure our worth through our outward adornment.  We have much more purpose than that, we are to be a living witness for our Lord and savior who we will meet so very soon!!!

Many of us don’t need a face lift; we need a heart transplant!


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