

Monday, July 22, 2013

Insecurity Part 2

"My female friends on facebook, regardless of age. I see posts every now and then that compare SUPER skinny actresses or models with a woman like Marilyn Monroe and they say how a woman with curves is truly beautiful or sexy or hot. Don't stone me for this but any woman who posts that is completely wrong and very misguided. Marilyn Monroe was a sex symbol. That's not sexy or hot. Now I believe that on many different levels all women are beautiful. You're daughters of the Most High King after all! Go look in scripture and read about Ruth, or Sarah, or Deborah, Mary, Elizabeth, all these women of God. That is beauty, ladies. I dare say that's hot. Yes, I just called the mother of Jesus Christ hot. You keep your skin and bones supermodel, or your morally bankrupt sex symbol. I'll stick with real beauty." 
                             -(a post from wise guy friend of mine from church) Andrew Brymer

If you have been reading my blog regularly you've probably read my first post "Insecurity", if not go read it first before this one.

As I have grown in Christ everyday, and learned something new everyday I have come to the realization that "when you become more confident in who you are in Christ, that overwrites any confidence that you could ever have in the flesh". When you are solely in love with Christ and walking with Him , you honestly find that you don't have time to stop and worry about "how sexy you are "or "is someone paying attention to me"?? When we realize that we were put on this earth for HIM, and it's all about Him, and that we are ALL a servant of HIM , it's easier to put things in perspective. Then instead of wasting your energy on jealousy,  selfishness,and being proud ,we are humbled. We realize that we are not the center of the universe and those selfish desires are really silly.

God made some women naturally attractive to society for a reason, i believe. And some that would struggle with that. Not because He liked one more than the other but He gives everyone different gifts.

Beauty is fleeting and not something to obsess over. But then again we are called to take care of our bodies. Everything in moderation. Don't kill yourself to be thin, just exercise regularly and eat healthy so you can live longer to spread the gospel. Want to wear make up and nice clothes... get up, get ready, and don't think anything else about it.

God used all sorts of women in the bible for His glory,

A Virgin:Mary,
A Queen:  Esther,
A Harlot:Rehab  
A Slave: Hagar 
-Exodus 9:16

How do you think Rehab would feel if she compared herself to Mary?? She would probably feel guilt and shame, after God had already forgiven her. If she would've done that instead of trusting God, God could've still used her, but she could've hindered that by letting her insecurities take over.

That's what we do today, we compare ourselves to these women who are not perfect but we feel are superior to us, and to make ourselves feel better, we put down the ones we feel superior to, and the ones we are jealous of. To say again , we are all sinners, none better, we are all the same. Therefore we are crippling ourselves with this pride, and selfishness, and love for things that do not matter!!

I struggle with this sin everyday and have to fall on my face before God and pray about it, but He will mold you if you ask Him. My point being:
          Quit trying to compete, quit letting insecurity cripple you from being less than God had planned for you. You can overcome ANYTHING with the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to mold you into the godly woman that He has planned for you to be, and then you too can be used for His glory in a way that you could NEVER do alone. 

Read My friend(haven't formally met her) Daniell's post on insecurity!
butlerpartyof2/ Insecurity
Such a godly woman!

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