

Monday, August 5, 2013

What's Your Calling??

     All through highschool you'll have people that come by from colleges who get you out of class just to talk about "what you want to be" and "what college do you want to attend". When I was in highschool I felt led to go into some sort of counseling, So that's what i looked into for a while... I found out that it would take around 6 years of school to have my private practice and being the girl that slept in class and was only worried about the social part of school, I hated school!!! I literally smiled my way through school to get good grades. I was so insecure about being stupid that i refused to try.

       Instead of following what I felt lead to do I decided to go my route and go into cosmetology that would only take 9 months with noooo math!!!!! I went to paul mitchell and observed for a little over a week, but couldn't afford the school so never went. I worked in restaurants as a server and postponed college. 2 years later ,as I pursued God's will for my life again, I felt lead to go into counseling of some sort. So in obedience I went to the 2 year college 5 mins from my house. Got registered all in one day and start my basics in less than two weeks. I'm getting a late start but even though I wasn't obedient to begin with, God can still use me in counseling.

If you ask God to reveal to you your calling, you better be willing to do whatever He throws at you.
I honestly feel like God is not telling me to move just yet, but i do believe when I get closer to my profession that God may send me somewhere outside of my comfort zone. Although I feel like God is calling me to do things here in my hometown, and that He can use me here, it's very important to not get the "holy spirit leading you" confused with "your own superficial peace leading you ". If you think God is not calling you to move just yet ask yourself these questions:

1) How would you be missed if you left the place you are at right now? How would it change? What difference does your presence make there(and in your church)?

2) what would your church look like if everyone was as committed as you are?
If everyone gave, served, and prayed exactly like you, would the church be healthy and empowered???

3) in your work place, do you ooze Christ and set a good example as a hard worker or laziness?

Whatever you are led to do, God did not lead us to sit back and live our lives in comfort of superficial peace.  If you are still alive on this planet, He still has something for you to do.

Ask the Holy spirit for guidance, prepare your heart for it and wait on His timing. In waiting He can mold you and make the best out of your circumstances right now!!

-Foot notes and what i've learned so far in "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan
in Chapter 4 so far.

Just for kicks and giggles:

Me in highschool and me now... just 2 years difference. Amazing how much people change!!

Look How much Ryan has changed (his is a longer time apart).....(he'd kill me if he knew i put this on here) ;) hehe

Am I blessed or what?!!

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